Kohler Shower Body Sprays and Jets
A shower can be so much more than just an overhead faucet. Add body sprays to your shower system and enjoy a luxurious shower experience every day.
How Does a Shower Body Spray Work?
Shower body sprays and jets are smaller showerheads, usually mounted on a wall, and installed in groups of two or three. They give a massaging spray of water in addition to your regular showerhead. They are often used as part of a shower system, and give a spa-like showering experience, helping target achy muscles and more.
Installing Shower Body Sprays
Installing shower body sprays and jets can be more complicated than just changing a showerhead. As they are installed in a wall, water lines must be run from the main behind the surface, and properly installed at the correct height. Consider using a professional to ensure you get the best showering experience possible.
Integrating Shower Body Sprays into a Showering System
In addition to properly installing shower body sprays, give consideration to properly integrating them into a complete showering system. Pair with a smart showering solution or mechanical valve control to operate all your faucets and body sprays.